Generating PDFs for Reports in SmartSheet
The Problem with SmartSheets PDF Generator
The Solution with SSFeatures PDF Generator
PDF Generation Customization
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Frequently Asked Questions

Generating PDFs for Reports in SmartSheet

SSFeatures provides a PDF generator for reports, that supports "grouped" and "summarized" data, making it easy to print, email, download, and share this data with others.

The Problem with SmartSheet's PDF Generator

While SmartSheet does have a PDF generator, it fails to support reports that use "Group" or "Summary" features. When generating a PDF, SmartSheet reverts the report, ignoring grouped rows, cells, and summaries. This makes it impossible to accurately download, email, or print reports that use these features.

For example, the report shown below groups data by customers, then sums the number of fruits purchased. Rows like "Total", "Customer", and cells like "Sum" are crucial to the report's meaning.

Report example

When using SmartSheet's PDF generator, the PDF ignores these groups and summaries, as shown below.

SmartSheet generated PDF

Notice that the PDF completely skipped the first 3 rows, deleted all of the "Sum" cells, and deleted all of the header rows. Additionally, the PDF looks completely different from the report.

The Solution with SSFeatures' PDF Generator

SSFeatures' PDF generator fully supports "grouped" and "summarized" reports, ensuring that no data is skipped. The generated PDF maintains the exact formatting and structure of your original report.

  • Supports "normal", "grouped", and "summarized" reports.
  • Supports PDF generation, printing, and emailing the data with correct formatting.
  • Preserves all dimensions and data without reverting any part of the report.

For example, here's the same report generated using SSFeatures' PDF generator.

SSFeatures generated PDF

Notice that none of the rows or cells are missing, and the PDF closely resembles the original report.

PDF Generation Customization

SSFeatures offers the same customization options as SmartSheet’s native PDF generator, including paper size, margins, orientation, scaling, logos, sheet name, row numbers, timestamps, page numbers, and header notes.

PDF customization settings

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you tell me more about the security and privacy of this feature?

    • SSFeatures generates the PDF entirely within your browser, ensuring that no data is sent to our servers or databases. Once the PDF is created, it opens in a new tab for downloading. Your data remains secure and private within your browser.
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