
Automatically sort rows
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Sorts your data after any data modification
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Bypasses SmartSheet's filter lock - allows you to sort your data with filters
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Automatically sorts after new Form entries
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Automatically saves your sort settings for each sheet
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No rate limits - unlimited sheets, unlimited forms, unlimited sorts
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Spell checking in Sheets and Reports
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Spell checks all of the cells in a sheet or report - the only spell checker in the world with this capability
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More than 50x faster than Grammarly, LanguageTool, and ProWritingAid
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Supports dictionary customization
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Never sends your data to any servers, databases, or AI models
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No rate limits - unlimited spell checks for unlimited sheets and reports
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Report PDF Generation
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Supports "grouped" and "summarized" reports
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Supports PDF generation, printing, and emailing
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Customizable PDF options, such as page style, scaling, row numbers, page numbers, and time stamps
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Generates PDFs that use the same exact dimensions and data as your Report, unlike SmartSheet's PDF generator which changes the format and skips groups and summarizations
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No rate limits - unlimited report PDF generation for your whole team
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