Set Capitalization Rules in Smartsheet
The Problem with Capitalization in Smartsheet
The Solution with SSFeatures
Automatic Data Refreshing
Demo Video
Frequently Asked Questions

Set Capitalization Rules in Smartsheet

SSFeatures provides an easy way to set and enforce capitalization rules for your columns, helping you keep your data clean, consistent, and professional in Smartsheet.

The Problem with Capitalization in Smartsheet

Smartsheet currently doesn’t offer a way to enforce capitalization rules for your data. For example, if you have a First Name column, you may want each entry to automatically capitalize the first letter. Or in a Country Code column, you might expect values like “US,” “BR,” or “AU” to always appear in uppercase.

Without automation, you're left fixing these inconsistencies manually, which is error-prone and time consuming, especially on shared sheets where not everyone follows the same formatting standards.

This issue becomes even more challenging when your sheet collects data from Smartsheet Forms. Form submitters may enter values incorrectly, and you’re forced to clean it up by hand.

The lack of a built-in solution slows teams down and leads to unprofessional-looking data. Users have been asking for a way to enforce capitalization rules since 2017.

The Solution with SSFeatures

SSFeatures provides a Set Capitalization button that opens a user-friendly popup, allowing you to set capitalzation rules for each of your columns. This makes it easy to standardize your data formatting across the entire sheet with just a few clicks.

Button for setting the capitalization on columns

Popup for setting the capitalization on columns

In the popup, you can choose from the following capitalization rules for each column:

  • Uppercase: "THIS IS AN EXAMPLE"
  • Lowercase: "this is an example"
  • Title Case: "This is an Example"
  • First Letter Upper Case: "This Is An Example"
  • Sentence Case: "This is an example"

Title Case follows standard English title convensions, automatically lowercasing common small words, such as "a", "and", "of", and "for" where appropriate.

Automatic Data Refreshing

SSFeatures automatically refreshes your data to enforce the capitalization rules each time you open the sheet. You can also manually trigger a refresh at any time by opening the popup and clicking the "OK" button.

Demo Video

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you tell me more about the security and privacy of this feature?

    • Absolutely. SSFeatures operates entirely within your browser and directly interacts with Smartsheet's application code. None of your row, column, or cell data is ever sent to our servers, ensuring complete privacy and security.

    • For this feature, SSFeatures uses your browser's local storage API to save the capitalization rules you've set for each column. When you load the sheet, SSFeatures checks each cell in those columns to ensure it follows the specified rule. If a cell doesn’t match, SSFeatures automatically updates it to maintain consistency.